2019 Fall Exhibition

Inside Out: Women's Fashion from Foundation to Silhouette

October 15, 2019 - January 5, 2020

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The Henry Morrison Flagler Museum, celebrating its 60th Anniversary, launched its 2019/2020 “Season of Style 2” with its fall exhibition titled Inside Out: Women’s Fashion from Foundation to Silhouette. The exhibition focused on how women have shaped American society and how undergarments have shaped them. The Flagler Museum was the first and will be the only Florida venue to host this exhibition.

Inside Out specifically examined the relationship between American women and their undergarments against a backdrop of fashion, sociological changes, and political climate. Visitors walked through eight key eras in American history, exploring the perceived roles of women in American culture from the 1790s to the present, how those roles have shaped — and been shaped by — what women wear, feminist ideas and movements since the nation’s earliest days, and the outward appearance and silhouette of stylish American women over time.

Organized by the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts with the support of the Ben and Beverly Stribling Special Exhibition Trust and circulated through GuestCurator Traveling Exhibitions, Inside Out featured over 140 costume items including fashion designs by Traina-Norell, Geoffrey Beane and Bob Mackie, as well as clothing worn by iconic contemporary celebrities including Cher and Lady Gaga.

An illustrated companion volume titled Inside Out: An Exploration of Women’s Status and Roles in American Society as Reflected in Fashion from Foundation to Silhouette featuring essays by scholars, museum professionals, collectors, and journalists is available for purchase in the H. M. Flagler & Co. Museum Store. Additionally, the Museum Store will offer for sale unique and fashionable items such as period makeup and perfumes, and handmade foundation pieces in luxurious fabrics, all inspired by the fall exhibition. As always, Museum Members receive a 10% discount in the Museum Store.

Inside Out Lecture


Inside Out: Women's Fashion from Foundation to Silhouette
Howard J. Taylor, Director of the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts
November 13, 2019 at 3:00 pm

Howard J. Taylor spoke about the origins of this exhibition and its important content.